Music Industry Entrepreneurship

Certificate Program Map

The program map below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program. Individual circumstances might require some changes to this path. It is always recommended that you meet with your pathway counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.

This program provides students interested in self-employment in the music industry with the essential music business knowledge, a core music recording technology background and essential entrepreneurship skills they will need to succeed in self-employment and/or operation of a music business. This certificate prepares students for entrepreneurial ventures within the music industry.

Upon completion of the program, students will:
  1. 1. Appropriately work with music industry professionals.
  2. 2. Analyze, read and write music.
  3. 3. Record musicians in a professional manner.
  4. 4. Successfully manipulate Midi software.
  5. 6. Complete a business plan.
  6. 5. Create, operate, manage and market a music industry startup.
Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester

Term 1

13.5 units

BA 51
Business Planning

1.5 units
Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
Business Plan development. Review of resources available to assist entrepreneurs in developing and launching a business including sources of funding. (A, CSU)

BA 52
Introduction to Entrepreneurship

3 units
Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
Develops an understanding of the complex tasks faced by individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Identifies the methods for developing a business idea, the process of starting a business, how to acquire resources, and the key parts of a business plan. (A, CSU)

Computer Music Production

3 units
Effective Term: 2025 Spring Semester
Use of MIDI, synthesizers, drum machines, computers, sequencing, sound design, and digital audio workstation software to compose, edit, record, mix and master music. Students will create and compose original music and personal arrangements in styles reflecting modern production techniques. (A, CSU, UC)
Course Details:
      1. CSU Transfer Course
      1. C - Humanities

      MUS 8
      Audio Engineering

      3 units
      Effective Term: 2022 Fall Semester
      This course is an introduction to the art and science of audio engineering. It covers fundamental concepts and techniques, including the use of digital audio workstations, basic acoustics, signal flow, microphone principles and usage, studio equipment, signal processing, recording console functions, and multi-track recording procedures. Designed for students in music, commercial music and electronic media. (A, CSU, UC)
      Course Details:
          1. CSU Transfer Course

            MUS 111
            Music Business and Career Development

            3 units
            Effective Term: 2023 Fall Semester
            Survey of topics of importance to the music industry professional: Management, copyright, publishing, contracts, promotion, revenue sources and career development. (A)
            Course Details:
                    Total: 13.5 units