Early Intervention Assistant – Major #5617

Certificate of Achievement Program Map

The program map below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program. Individual circumstances might require some changes to this path. It is always recommended that you meet with your pathway counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.

The Certificate of Achievement in Early Intervention Assistant is designed to prepare students to work with infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities and other special needs in early intervention settings and inclusive early care and education settings. A student who completes the certificate is qualified to work at the Early Intervention Assistant I level of the California Early Start Personnel Model.*Completing the Early Intervention Assistant Certificate plus the Associate Degree in Child Development qualifies a student to work at the Early Intervention Assistant II level of the California Early Start Personnel Model. The Early Intervention Assistant certificate units apply to the Associate Degree in Child Development and the Associate Degree for Transfer in ECE.**

Upon completion of the program, students will:
  1. 1. Integrate understanding of the needs, the characteristics and multiple influences on development of children birth to age eight as related to high quality care and education.
  2. 2. Design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive developmental play and learning outcomes for all young children.
  3. 3. Apply effective guidance and interaction strategies that support all children’s social learning, identity and self confidence.
  4. 4. Develop strategies that promote partnerships between programs, teachers, families and their communities.
  5. 5. Apply ethical standards and professional behaviors that demonstrate understanding and knowledge, deepening the commitment to the early care and education profession.
  6. 6. Develop and apply strategies that provide support and early intervention to infants, 0-3, who have disabilities and other special needs and their families, in the natural environment.
Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester

Term 1

12 units


Recommend CHDEV 1 to clear prerequisites for courses in term 2. 

Introduction to Curriculum

3 units
Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
Students will plan developmentally appropriate curriculum and environments for children birth through age eight. Students will use knowledge of children’s development, theories of learning and development, and examples from various models of developmentally appropriate practice to plan environments and curriculum in all content areas to support children’s development and learning integrated throughout indoor and outdoor settings including supports for children on race, equity, language varieties, and diverse abilities. The "To Be Arranged" hours may include observation of and participation in planning learning environments and curriculum. (A, CSU)
Course Details:
      1. CSU Transfer Course

        CHDEV 6
        Health, Safety and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education

        3 units
        Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
        This course covers laws, regulations, standards, policies and procedures and early childhood curriculum best practices related to child health, safety, and nutrition in early childhood settings for children from birth through middle childhood. This course covers the teacher's role in prevention strategies, detection, and management of communicable disease; medical issues associated with disabilities and chronic illness; physical health; mental health and safety for both children and adults; collaboration with families and health professionals; nutrition and meal planning. Integration of health, safety, and nutrition experiences into daily routines and program development for children from birth through middle childhood. Students are required to observe children in a group setting. (A, CSU)
        Course Details:
            1. CSU Transfer Course

              CHDEV 15
              Diversity and Culture in Early Childhood Education Programs

              3 units
              Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
              The course examines the historical and current perspectives of diversity, values, culture, racism, and oppression and the impacts of these factors on children’s development, learning, and educational experiences. Students will explore strategies for developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate anti-bias curriculum, as well as approaches to promote inclusive and anti-racist classroom communities. Students will engage in self-reflection on the influence of teachers' own values, culture, beliefs, and experiences on teaching and interactions with children and families. (A, CSU)
              Course Details:
              1. Advisory: ENGL 1A
                1. CSU Transfer Course

                  CHDEV 39
                  Child Growth and Development

                  3 units
                  Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
                  This course examines the progression of development in the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional domains and identifies developmental milestones for children from conception through adolescence. An emphasis will be on the interactions between biological processes and environmental factors. Students will observe children of varying ages to evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages according to developmental theories. (A, CSU, UC, Cal-GETC)
                  Course Details:
                    1. G: Interdisciplinary, Social & Behavioral Sciences
                    2. I: Psychology
                    1. D7 - Interdisciplinary Social and Behavioral Science
                    2. D9 - Psychology
                    3. E - Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development
                    4. CSU Transfer Course

                      Term 2

                      12 units


                      Recommend CHDEV 21 to clear prerequisites for courses in term 3. 

                      CHDEV 11
                      The Young Child With Learning Differences, Developmental Delays, Neurodiversity, and Disabilities

                      3 units
                      Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
                      This course is an introduction to the variations in development of children with learning differences, developmental delays, neurodiversity and disabilities aged from birth through eight. The course includes an overview of historical/societal influences, laws relating to children's services, the referral/identification process, the impact on families, and the community. (A, CSU, UC)
                      Course Details:
                      1. Prerequisite: CHDEV 39

                            CHDEV 16
                            Introduction to Early Intervention

                            3 units
                            Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
                            This course covers the study of infants and toddlers with developmental delays, trauma history, medical diagnosis, infant mental health challenges and/or neurodiversity. It also focuses on relationship-based Early Intervention services with a child's family/caregivers throughout the processes of observation, assessment, and services. It includes the role of professionals collaborating with families, interdisciplinary teams, and understanding cultural competence to provide effective strategies and interventions used in early intervention in natural environments. (A, CSU)
                            Course Details:
                            1. Prerequisite: CHDEV 20

                                  CHDEV 20
                                  Observation and Assessment

                                  3 units
                                  Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
                                  This course introduces the appropriate use of assessment and observation tools and strategies to document young children’s development and learning. The use of findings to inform and plan learning environments and experiences are emphasized. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment tools will be discussed, along with strategies for collaboration with families and professionals. Students are required to observe children in a group setting. (A, CSU)
                                  Course Details:
                                  1. Prerequisite: CHDEV 1
                                  2. Prerequisite: CHDEV 3
                                  3. Prerequisite: CHDEV 39
                                    1. CSU Transfer Course

                                      CHDEV 48
                                      Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors

                                      3 units
                                      Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
                                      This course provides effective strategies for working with children with challenging behaviors in early childhood environments; guidelines for discussion, identification and intervention of impeding behaviors; emphasis on the teacher’s role in supporting children through emotional difficulties and sensory challenges; needs of children at risk, in trauma and/or deprivation. Specific disabilities, neurodiversity, or diverse learners which affect behavior will be studied. (A, CSU)
                                      Course Details:

                                              Term 3

                                              6 units

                                              CHDEV 22
                                              Infant and Toddler Practicum

                                              3 units
                                              Effective Term: 2024 Fall Semester
                                              This course applies current theory and research to the care and education of infants and toddlers in group settings. Examines essential policies, principles and practices that lead to quality care and developmentally appropriate curriculum for children birth to 36 months. The “To Be Arranged” hours include observation and participation in a group early childhood setting, in planning environments and facilitating infant toddler growth and development. (A, CSU)
                                              Course Details:
                                              1. Prerequisite: CHDEV 21
                                                1. CSU Transfer Course

                                                  CHDEV 30
                                                  Child and Family in a Diverse Community

                                                  3 units
                                                  Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
                                                  This course emphasizes the processes of socialization focusing on the interrelationship of family, school, and community. The course examines the influence of multiple societal contexts including race, equity, and language. Students will explore the role of collaboration between family, community, and schools in supporting children’s development, birth through adolescence. (A, CSU, UC, Cal-GETC)
                                                  Course Details:
                                                  1. Advisory: ENGL C1000
                                                  1. G: Interdisciplinary, Social & Behavioral Sciences
                                                  1. D7 - Interdisciplinary Social and Behavioral Science
                                                  2. CSU Transfer Course
                                                  1. E2 - Lifetime Skills
                                                  Total: 30 units