Automotive Technology - Major #8051

Certificate of Achievement Program Map

The program map below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program. Individual circumstances might require some changes to this path. It is always recommended that you meet with your pathway counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.

Satisfactory completion of this curriculum prepares the student for entry-level employment as a skilled technician in the automotive service and repair industry. Students will perform actual service and repair procedures in the automotive laboratory. This curriculum has been certified by the National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Education Foundation.

Upon completion of the program, students will:
  1. 1. Create a diagnostic path appropriate for a given system to industry standards.
  2. 2. Recommend an appropriate repair procedure for a given system to industry standards.
Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester

Term 1

14 units

AT 10
Technical Computer Applications

3 units
Effective Term: 2025 Spring Semester
This course is an introduction to computers, elements of computer hardware and software and how they are used in the workplace, and the social impact of computers. Students will experience a hands-on introduction and develop general computer skills for technical programs such as word processing, spreadsheet, presentation applications, and email. (A, CSU, UC)
Course Details:
      1. CSU Transfer Course
      1. D3 - Anaylitical Thinkning

      AUTOT 9
      Automotive Essentials

      3 units
      Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
      Automotive components, service tools, and equipment. Designed for the prospective Career Technology Education (CTE) teacher and students needing an exploratory course in the automotive field. (A, CSU)

      AUTOT 52
      Automotive Electrical Systems

      4 units
      Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
      Students will be introduced to basic electrical theory and operation of the automotive electrical components and systems. Testing, diagnosing, and repairing electrical components and systems including automotive computer controls using necessary equipment. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)
      Course Details:
      1. Corequisite: AUTOT 9

            AUTOT 53
            Engine Performance

            4 units
            Effective Term: 2025 Fall Semester
            Students will be introduced to engine theory and construction related to engine performance. History and theory of operation for the different types of automotive systems. Latest technologies in automotive fuel delivery, emission control, and ignition systems. Testing, diagnosing, and repairing fuel, emission, and ignition systems. Use of necessary test equipment. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)
            Course Details:
            1. Corequisite: AUTOT 9

                  Term 2

                  14.5 units

                  AUTOT 55
                  Power Trains: Transmissions/Transaxles, Differentials, and Driveaxles

                  6 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  The principles of automotive power train systems: automatic and manual transmissions/transaxles, transfer cases, clutch assembles, driveaxles, drivelines, and differentials. Diagnosis, service, and repair. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 57
                  Automotive Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Advanced Electronics

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Theory and practice in automotive heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems/components. R-12, R-134A, and R-1234yf refrigeration systems, recovery, recycling, charging, leak, and performance testing. Diagnosis, service, and repair of the advance automotive electronics, automatic temperature/ climate control, and other computer controlled systems found on today’s late model vehicles. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 161A
                  Level 1 - Engine and Emission Control Fundamentals

                  3 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Designed to prepare students for the Bureau of Automotive Repair Smog Check Licensing Exam. Level 1 Training provides students with basic knowledge of engine and emission controls needed to move forward with Level 2 Smog Procedures Training. Smog check rules and regulations covered in detail. Introduction to Smog Check Program inspection procedures and policies mandated by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Those who do not meet prerequisites/automotive experience are allowed to take this course but will not be certified as eligible to take the licensing examination. (A)

                  AUTOT 161B
                  Level 2 - Smog Check Procedures Training

                  1.5 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Prepares students/technicians for the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Enhanced Area emission testing procedures and guidelines. This training provides students the procedural knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform Smog Check inspections. Students who complete and pass this training will have met the Bureau's training requirements to qualify to take the Smog Check Inspector state licensing examination. Introduction to on-vehicle diagnosing and repair mandated by the Bureau of Automotive Repair. Those who do not meet the prerequisite are allowed to take this course but will not be certified as eligible to take the (BAR) licensing examination. (A)

                  Term 3 (Summer)

                  6 units

                  AUTOT 51
                  Principles of Engine Theory and Service

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Engine design and operation including diagnosis, failure analysis, and service practices. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 19
                  Work Experience Education

                  2 units
                  Effective Term: 2024 Summer Semester
                  Supervised employment extending the classroom based on occupational learning related to automotive technology. Collaborative learning objectives established specific to automotive technology. Orientation hours may be required. (A, CSU)

                  Term 4

                  14 units

                  AUTOT 19
                  Work Experience Education

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2024 Summer Semester
                  Supervised employment extending the classroom based on occupational learning related to automotive technology. Collaborative learning objectives established specific to automotive technology. Orientation hours may be required. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 54
                  Suspension, Steering, and Wheel Alignment

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Theory and practical application of basic 4-wheel alignment, steering, and suspension systems. Operating principles, component description, diagnosis, repair, and service adjustments. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 56
                  Automotive Braking Systems

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Complete disassembly and reassembly of various automotive braking systems. Operating principles, component description, diagnosis, repair, and service adjustments. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 58
                  Individualized Skills Training (IST) Chassis System I Laboratory

                  1 unit
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Designed for students to complete assigned automobile manufacturers’ training modules: Hands-On (HO), Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and/or Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) with instructor supervision. Provide the most current and up-to-date technology for students pursuing a career in Automotive Technology. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 58A
                  Individualized Skills Training (IST) Chassis System II Laboratory

                  1 unit
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Designed for students to complete assigned automobile manufacturers’ training modules in Advanced Chassis Systems: Hands-On (HO), Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and/or Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) with instructor supervision. Provide the most current and up-to-date technology for students pursuing a career in Automotive Technology. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  Term 5

                  9 units

                  AUTOT 19
                  Work Experience Education

                  4 units
                  Effective Term: 2024 Summer Semester
                  Supervised employment extending the classroom based on occupational learning related to automotive technology. Collaborative learning objectives established specific to automotive technology. Orientation hours may be required. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 58B
                  Individualized Skills Training (IST) Engine/Propulsion Systems Laboratory

                  1 unit
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Designed for students to complete assigned automobile manufacturers’ training modules in Advanced Chassis Systems: Hands-On (HO), Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and/or Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) with instructor supervision. Provide the most current and up-to-date technology for students pursuing a career in Automotive Technology. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  AUTOT 58C
                  Individualized Skills Training (IST) Power Train Systems Laboratory

                  1 unit
                  Effective Term: 2021 Fall Semester
                  Designed for students to complete assigned automobile manufacturers’ training modules in Advanced Chassis Systems: Hands-On (HO), Computer-Based Training (CBT), Web-Based Training (WBT), and/or Virtual Classroom Training (VCT) with instructor supervision. Provide the most current and up-to-date technology for students pursuing a career in Automotive Technology. Designed to accompany work experience in the trade. (A, CSU)

                  WELD 1
                  Exploring Welding/Metals

                  3 units
                  Effective Term: 2024 Spring Semester
                  Students will be introduced to oxyacetylene cutting. Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas metal arc welding (GMAW) in the flat and horizontal positions. They will learn and use these basic skills to produce quality welds in the lab. An emphasis is placed on safety and developing good welding shop habits. (A, CSU)
                  Course Details:
                  1. Advisory: WELD 130
                    1. CSU Transfer Course
                      Total: 57.5 units