ELECTIVE: Recommend COUN 53
A summer elective course, COUN 53 (College and Life Management) for Law Pathways, is highly recommended to meet CAL-Law Scholar Certificate Coursework. The Law Pathways section is offered in summer only.
The program map below represents an efficient and effective course taking sequence for this program. Individual circumstances might require some changes to this path. It is always recommended that you meet with your pathway counselor to develop a personalized educational plan.
The coursework required to earn an Associate in Arts in Law, Public Policy, and Society for Transfer has been identified as good preparation for law school upon completion of a bachelor's degree. This interdisciplinary area of emphasis emphasizes the development of communication skills, introduces students to the legal field, and prepares students for further study in a variety of majors. Students who opt to pursue this course of study are encouraged to engage in further exploration of one or more specific majors as they select electives for degree completion. To earn the Associate in Arts in Law, Public Policy and Society for Transfer students must complete at least 60 required semester units of CSU-transferable coursework, including the Cal-GETC requirements, and at least 18 units within the major. Students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, including grades C (or 'P') or higher in each course taken to fulfill the major. Local graduation requirements are not required for the transfer degree. Students should consult with a counselor for more information on transfer requirements and university admission.
A summer elective course, COUN 53 (College and Life Management) for Law Pathways, is highly recommended to meet CAL-Law Scholar Certificate Coursework. The Law Pathways section is offered in summer only.
Critical reading of diverse voices is a major component of this course. (A, CSU, UC, Cal-GETC)
Satisfies Cal-GETC area 1A.
Satisfies Cal-GETC area 2. Select one of the following:
Area 5A or 5B must have a lab component to satisfy this area.
Satisfies Cal-GETC area 3B.
Satisfies Cal-GETC area 4.
(A, CSU, UC, Cal-GETC)
Recommend COMM 4 (Cal-GETC area 1C) if ENGL C1001 or PHIL 2 was taken above for major course requirement. Recommend ENGL C1001 or PHIL 2 (Cal-GETC area 1B) if COMM 4 was taken above for major course requirement.
Area 5A or 5B must have a lab component to satisfy this area.
Satisfies Cal-GETC area 4.